
A guide to healthy eating for the heart

Healthy eating for the heart


. Healthy eating for the heart comes back to balance, moderation and portion control

. Fruit and vegetables should be keenly incorporated into your diet

. Limit salt, fats and sugar

Balance and portion control are keys

Balance is the key to developing a diet that doesn’t put your health in long-term jeopardy. Try and adhere to the basic principles of balance, moderation and portion control. Now let’s move to the specifics. The first point we will address is portion control. Eat what you have to eat and and resist the temptation to splurge because that moves everything out of sync. By doing this you can start to control your weight and sugar level which is important to your long term health.

The most dangerous scenarios are high blood pressure, diabetes and potentially heart disease. By exercising disciplined portion control you can limit your exposure to these harmful ailments. High blood pressure is caused through stress, smoking and a lack of physical activity but can also be caused by your diet. There is a strong correlation between excessive salt as well as certain fats and sugar. By cutting these items out, or at least limiting them, you can minimise the risk of high blood pressure. In regards to diabetes, you also have to be careful with your sugar intake, especially in regards to soft drinks.

How to avoid high blood pressure

  • A high reading is considered to be anything over 140/90
  • Stress, genetics and obesity all play a role

High blood pressure or hypertension relates to the force of blood against the artery walls. A high reading is considered to be anything over 140/90. As webMD points out the exact causes of high blood pressure are not known but things like stress, genetics, smoking, obesity and lack of exercise are thought to play a part. Some of those things are out of your control but certainly exercising and removing stress are things you can actively engage in to lower the risk.

The other thing is obviously to control your diet. The Heart Foundation lists fruit and vegetables, wholegrains, nuts and reduced fat and dairy as the areas to focus on in regards to reducing blood pressure. Healthline also provides a list of foods that are beneficial including salmon, berries, beans and lentils, carrots, celery and pistachios. They also provide a list of foods to avoid that includes salt and sodium, deli meats and frozen pizza.

Foods to lower cholesterol

Like blood pressure, cholesterol is something that can be controlled through diet and lifestyle. Exercise plays a big role here as well but in terms of food the faster you can move away from discretionary foods like takeaway, chips, pies, cakes, things of that nature, to a more balanced diet that incorporates the five key food groups the better off you will be.

In terms of specialised foods, Harvard Health lists oats, beans, nuts, foods fortified with sterols and stanols and fatty fish as their preferred items to help lower cholesterol. In terms of foods to avoid, Medical News Today lists sausage, bacon and organ meats such as kidney and liver as foods to eat sparingly. Try and make a concerted effort to limit your consumption of fats, oils, sugar and salt. A good rule of thumb to follow is to try to eat less than fifteen grams of fat and six grams of salt per day.

Protein and energy

  • A healthy serving of fruit and vegetables goes a long way
  • You can also source protein from lean meats and eggs

The next point to consider is what to actually put on your plate. It has to be remembered that part of having a healthy heart is actually having the energy to exercise and stay active which is a crucial part of heart health. So on the one hand it’s good to eat foods that positively influence blood pressure and cholesterol but it’s also good to eat foods that provide you with protein and energy to actually help you exercise on a regular basis and we can look at both. Look to incorporate a healthy serving of fruit and vegetables, grain and certain fish such as tuna and salmon from a holistic sense.

In terms of energy, two key sources are protein and wholegrain. You can source protein from lean meat and eggs as well as fish and poultry and wholegrain that is high in fibre such as oatmeal. Brown rice and bran are also a valuable source of energy. Healthline gives a good overview of the value of brown rice and some of the benefits are certainly heart health and weight loss. It’s good to incorporate these types of food items because they help to keep your weight in check while still giving you ample energy and that’s a good combination to have.

Fruit and vegetables are key to a healthy heart

The other food group that you really have to be diligent about perusing is obviously fruit and vegetables. This should be a staple and is almost mandatory for your long-term health. According to the AIHW, between 2007/8 and 2017/8 approximately 50 per cent of Australians did not meet the fruit recommendations and almost 95 per cent did not meet the guidelines associated with vegetable intake. 7.3 per cent of the total burden of disease in Australia was attributed to poor diet and 1.4 per cent was attributed to a diet low in fruit, so it stands to reason that we all need to be vigilant about our food choices.

Healthline gives a list of heart healthy foods and there are several fruit and vegetables listed including leafy green vegetables, berries, avocados, beans and tomatoes. The great thing is that fruit and vegetables also provide you with so many other benefits. They are high in fiber, reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes, and provide numerous nutrients and minerals that help to improve your quality of life. This list of 50 foods that are super healthy gives a great overview of what you should be eating and why fruit and vegetables must be a priority.

Australian dietary guidelines

  • Source items from the five key food groups
  • No single food can provide all the required nutrients

According to the Australian dietary guidelines, one should make a concerted effort to source items from the five key food groups. The recommendation is that we seek a wide variety of food to achieve a balanced diet, not always in one day but certainly over the course of a week. As stated in the guidelines: ‘No single food can provide all the nutrients in the amounts needed for good health’. You have to expand your boundaries and actively source those nutrients.

The evidence for consuming a wide variety of foods as summarised in the guidelines suggests that a ‘higher quality diet is associated with reduced morbidity’ and that ‘diversity in food intake can reduce an individual’s exposure to any one group of toxicants.’ But it also goes on to say that Australians as a general rule eat from a wide variety of cuisines which should supply the ‘nutritional needs of the population but appropriate choices must be made to ensure that all nutritional requirements are met.’


WebMD: Causes of high blood pressure

Heart Foundation: 5 Foods to help lower blood pressure

Five foods to help lower blood pressure (

Healthline: The 17 Best Foods for High Blood Pressure

The 17 Best Foods for High Blood Pressure (

Healthline: Eating with High Blood Pressure: Food and Drinks to Avoid

Eating with High Blood Pressure: 9 Foods and Drinks to Avoid (

Harvard Health: 5 foods that avoid high cholesterol

5 foods that fight high cholesterol – Harvard Health

Medical News Today: Foods with high cholesterol to avoid and include

High-cholesterol foods: Foods to avoid and include (

Healthline: Is brown rice good for you?

Is Brown Rice Good for You? Benefits, Weight Loss and Nutrition (

AIHW stats: Poor diet

Healthline: 15 incredible heart healthy foods

Healthline: 50 foods that are super healthy

50 Foods That Are Super Healthy (

Australian dietary guidelines pages 32-33

Exercise Nutrition Seniors

What are the basics of heart health?

Diet, exercise and lifestyle keep your heart healthy


. The basics of heart health come back to exercise, nutrition and lifestyle

. Quit smoking, avoid stress, minimise alcohol and stay active

. Develop a diet that sources items from the five key food groups

This is an overview of the basics of heart health. The core tenets are exercise, nutrition and lifestyle. I’m sure many of you have heard the basics before but it’s good to remind ourselves from time to time. For a change, we’ll start with lifestyle. It’s paramount to remove stress from your life. While often easier said than done, everything else will flow from the basic philosophy. Control the controllables, enjoy the simplicities and make it a point to spend time with your friends and family. You will be amazed at how much better you feel once you cut out negativity from your life.

Read a book, go for a walk, spend time outdoors and genuinely try and make time each week to unwind. It’s impossible to stay ‘up’ all the time and you need that break mentally which helps you physically. Try and learn new skills and gain new hobbies to keep your mind active and body productive. All of these little things add up in the long run when trying to achieve a healthy balanced lifestyle of mind, body and spirit. An active mind and a stress free life is a great start when looking to preserve your long term health.

Smoking and alcohol

The other major steps you can take are to quit smoking, reduce alcohol and stay active. If you can do some sort of physical activity two to three times a week, cut out smoking completely and take alcohol in moderation you will go a long way to reducing the risk of heart disease. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) smoking is the most ‘preventable cause of ill health and death in Australia’ but the good news is that the message is getting through. Eleven per cent of people aged 14 and over smoked regularly in 2019 which is down from 24 per cent in 1991.

That’s a positive trend line and one that is certainly good for the long term health of the nation. But alcohol is obviously the other lifestyle choice that needs to be kept in moderation to prevent not just anti-social behaviour but also to prevent any long-term health issues from arising. According to the AIHW one in four people consumes alcohol at a level that places them in harm on a single occasion and one in six people takes alcohol at levels that places their long term health in jeopardy and these are obviously slightly concerning statistics. But the key is moderation and common sense, and if you apply these two principles diligently you should be fine.

Diet is the key to a healthy heart

The next point we will look at is nutrition. The key point with nutrition is balance. You have to develop a balanced diet that gives you sufficient nutrients and energy from all the key food groups. As a general rule, a balanced diet is considered to be one that takes the key elements of the five food groups of fruit, vegetables, grain, dairy and protein sourced through lean meats, poultry, fish and eggs.

If you make it a point to incorporate those five food groups into your diet on a regular basis you will be well on your way to achieving a balanced diet which will go a long way to preserving your long term health. But there is certainly some work to do. According to the AIHW, only one in ten adults in Australia met the recommendations for daily vegetable consumption in 2017-18 and there was also an unhealthy intake of discretionary and counterproductive foods such as salt, fat and sugar. The heart foundation recommends eating ‘at least five serves of vegetables and two serves of fruit every day.’ The fruits that are most highly recommended are berries, tomatoes and avocados and the vegetables that are highly regarded include beans and green vegetables.

And the final point that often gets asked about in regards to diet is whether olive oil should be used. The heart foundation states: Olive oil is a healthy and versatile oil that you can use with a variety of cooking methods. Olive oil is a great option for medium-temperature frying (i.e. stir frying or warming food in a pan).  Oils that are suitable for high-temperature frying (e.g. deep frying) include extra virgin olive oil, high oleic canola oil and high oleic peanut oil, as they are more stable at high temperatures. 

And finally we will look at exercise. This study concluded that a lack of physical activity can be responsible for over 35 chronic diseases and conditions. These include coronary artery disease, Alzheimer’s disease and other high cardiovascular risk factors. The evidence presented suggests that a lack of physical activity increases the decline in skeletal muscle strength and cognition which can lead to ‘both shorter health span and early mortality.’

This is particularly relevant to older Australians. According to the AIHW, 75 per cent of people over the age of 65 were not sufficiently active in 2014/15. Another study suggested that the evidence is there that regular physical activity is safe for older people and that a lot of the high risks ailments such as cardiovascular diseases and cognitive impairments decrease through regular exercise.

While the percentages are certainly better, younger people also need to be mindful to exercise adequately. A national health survey in 2014/15 indicated that almost one in three 18-64 year olds were not sufficiently active per the recommended 150 minutes per week while just under 15 per cent were completely inactive and did no exercise at all over the course of a week.

This is obviously a recipe for problems down the road and it’s important to get into a rhythm early on and maintain that as you get older to avoid any long term health problems that are bound to arise if you maintain an inactive and sedentary lifestyle. According to the ABS, if ‘Australians did an extra 15 minutes of brisk walking for at least five days each week this would reduce disease burden due to physical inactivity in the population by approximately 13%.’ If this was increased to 30 minutes the burden of disease could be reduced by up to 26%, so the incentive is certainly there to get fit and get healthy.

What type of exercise?

If you fall in that 18-64 age bracket the Australian Heart Foundation recommends doing some form of physical activity five days a week (2.5-5 hours of moderate activity or 1.25-2.5 hours of vigorous activity), which leaves you with quite a bit of flexibility as to how you plan on structuring your fitness diary. The physical activities recommend include walking, swimming, yoga, skipping, cycling and martial arts.

Hopkins Medicine states that you should try and achieve a mix of aerobic exercise, resistance training, stretching, flexibility and balance to create a diverse program that provides holistic health benefit that includes improving blood circulation, weight loss and body preparation which will enable you to fully commit to a thorough fitness schedule. This will in turn help you to lower your heart rate and blood pressure and hopefully put you on the path to being fit and healthy.

Sleep and blood pressure

The final points we will address today relate to sleep and blood pressure. There is a correlation between a good night’s sleep and a healthy heart. Hopkins Medicine states: ‘Without enough sleep, your risk for heart disease and heart attack goes up—no matter what your age, your weight, or how much you exercise or smoke.’ The Heart Foundation adds that sleep deprivation is ‘associated with high blood pressure, a known risk factor associated with heart disease.’

The experts recommend at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night for multiple reasons. It’s a great stress reliever, it’s a lifestyle choice and an acknowledgement that you need rest and recuperation. It affects your mood, your social interactions and poor sleep habits have been previously linked with depression. And finally, it affects your functionality. Without proper sleep you’re not as sharp or mentally alert, so not just for your heart but your overall wellbeing you’re doing yourself a great disservice if you don’t get adequate rest.

The Heart Foundation states that while there is no one cause for high blood pressure, several factors can contribute including: 

  • Family history 
  • Eating patterns (including salty foods) 
  • Alcohol intake 
  • Smoking 
  • Weight 
  • Physical activity and exercise levels. 

It goes on to say that it can be elevated by ‘stress, your emotional state, recent physical activity, caffeine consumption or even talking.’ 

The great news is that you can lower your blood pressure by actioning all of the items we have talked about – Diet, exercise and lifestyle. That’s one of the reasons why we left this until last because if you do all of the above as well as get checked regularly your long-term forecast will naturally improve and hopefully your blood pressure will return to more normal levels if there is any reason for concern.


AIHW Smoking stats: Smoking Overview

AIWH Alcohol stats: Alcohol Overview

AIHW Fruit and Veg stats: Food and Nutrition Overview

Heart Foundation: Fruit, vegetables and heart health

Heart Foundation: 9 food and heart health myths, busted

NCBI: Role of Inactivity in Chronic Diseases: Evolutionary Insight and Pathophysiological Mechanisms

NCBI: Physical activity in older age: perspectives for healthy ageing and frailty

ABS health stats: Research and Statistics

AIHW fitness stats: Australia’s Health 2018

Hopkins Medicine: Do Your Heart a Favor – Get More Sleep

Heart Foundation: How does sleep affect your heart?

Heart Foundation: Blood pressure and your heart

Heart Foundation: Physical activity and your heart health

Physical Activity and Exercise | Heart Foundation

Hopkins Medicine: 3 Kinds of Exercise That Boost Heart Health

3 Kinds of Exercise That Boost Heart Health | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Health Conditions Resources

What you need to know about cholesterol…

Food, health and exercise help lower cholesterol


. Learn what causes high cholesterol and how you can lower cholesterol

. Limit fatty foods as they elevate cholesterol levels

. Remain diligent with diet and exercise and you can minimise risks

What is cholesterol?

We have all heard the term ‘cholesterol’ but may not completely understand what it is or why it is important.

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that is carried around the body through our bloodstream. Most cholesterol is naturally produced by your liver, but you also get cholesterol from outside sources through the food you eat.

We only need a small amount of blood cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol is used to build cells, produce certain hormones, help with metabolism, produce vitamin D and help digestion of nutrients. However, too much cholesterol in the blood can increase the risk of heart disease.

Types of cholesterol

There are two common types of cholesterol:

  1. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) – the ‘good’ cholesterol
  2. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) – the ‘bad’ cholesterol

High-density lipoprotein (the ‘good’ cholesterol) is healthy because it carries LDL (the ‘bad’ cholesterol) away from the arteries and back to the liver to be broken down and then passed as waste, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Low-density lipoprotein (the ‘bad’ cholesterol) is bad because when its level in the bloodstream is high, it can clog the walls of the arteries, narrowing the arteries and causing a fatty build-up called plaque. Too much plaque leads to blockages that prevent blood from flowing properly to the heart, increasing the risk of heart disease.

What causes high cholesterol

There is no one single cause of cholesterol, but rather a build-up of things. A lack of exercise, inactivity and poor dietary habits can all contribute to high cholesterol. Those at most risk of high cholesterol are those over the age of 45 years, smokers, individuals with a family history of heart disease and those who are overweight.

What is the impact of high cholesterol?

The main concern with high cholesterol is that there is an accumulation of fatty deposits / plaque within the artery walls which restricts blood flow. A blood clot can form which could then lead to chest pain, heart attack and stroke.

How to lower cholesterol

  • Cut back on smoking and alcohol
  • The right diet, exercise and weight loss all help

Leading a healthy lifestyle through exercise and a healthy diet are key to avoiding high cholesterol and also lowering cholesterol levels.

The Australian Heart Foundation recommends at least 2.5 hours of moderate physical activity per week – walking, swimming, skipping and yoga are all beneficial forms of exercise.

Following a healthy diet over time can also help lower your cholesterol, including: eating plenty of vegetables, fruits and wholegrains, a wide variety of protein sources, especially fish and seafood, legumes (such as beans and lentils), nuts and seeds and having healthy fat choices with nuts, seeds, avocados, olives and their oils for cooking, all help with lowering cholesterol. Limiting discretionary foods like biscuits, cakes and pies and cutting down on salt and fat can also help with lowering cholesterol.

In addition, some lifestyle change, such as cutting back on smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation and losing excess weight, will all help to lower cholesterol levels.

How is high cholesterol diagnosed?

A blood test will show your total cholesterol levels. The measured total cholesterol level is made up of LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides (a type of fat in the blood).

In Australia, cholesterol levels are measured in millimoles per litre (mmol/L). The range below is a general guide for a healthy blood cholesterol level, although it is important to note that cholesterol levels vary from person to person and is based on factors such as age and family history, so please consult your doctor:

  • Total cholesterol: < 5.5 mmol/L
  • HDL (‘good’ cholesterol): > 1.0 mmol/L
  • LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol): < 2.0 mmol/L
  • Triglycerides: < 2.0 mmol/L

Take a cholesterol test regularly so you can monitor your progress and keep track of your health confidently. Your doctor can help you understand your results and guide you on strategies to not only lower cholesterol but lower the risk of heart disease.


Australian Heart Foundation: Physical activity and your heart health HDL (Good), LDL (Bad) Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Health Direct: What is cholesterol

Better Health: Cholesterol

Hopkins Medicine: Cholesterol in the blood

Mayo Clinic: High cholesterol

Home Programs

Personal Training

Fitness while achieving life balance

A meet and greet where we get to know you personally, your goals, your aspirations and what you want to get out of the program. If the goal is to climb the corporate ladder while achieving life-balance Tier 1 is a great vehicle to help achieve those goals. Our approach to fitness is a holistic one so we look after both your mind and body through a tailored, personalised program.

We want you to get fit and stay healthy but we also want you to be happy and develop a balanced outlook on life. The way to do that is to walk you through nutrition, exercise and mental wellbeing and share the knowledge of our team of health experts.

We will do some base line testing, tell you where you can improve, talk about what’s important in your fitness journey and then come together to formulate a long term plan on how we can get there.

The Program

In the first three sessions we give you an overview of the program and what to expect. We listen to your input and take on any suggestions as to how we can create the best possible experience for you as a client.

After that, we complete a fitness assessment; do some strength and flexibility testing as well as postural and movement analysis to give us a base to work from.

Once you decide to make a long-term commitment we will collaborate with you to create an eight week program that meets your goals and desires but is still enjoyable and fun at the same time.


  • Goal Setting
  • Baseline testing (BMI, upper and lower body strength, core strength)
  • Strength Session
  • Repetition based workout on primal movement patterns


  • Injury history, strength and flexibility testing
  • Muscular endurance workout


  • Postural Assessment
  • Boxing fundamentals or Mobility and rehab
  • learn boxing technique or how to improve mobility and flexibility
Home Programs

Personal Training

The Discovery

A meet and greet where we get to know you personally, your goals, your aspirations and what you want to get out of the program. Our approach to fitness is a holistic one so we look after both your mind and body through a tailored, personalised program.

If the goal is to take your sporting performance to the next level this is a great vehicle to do that. Our team of fitness and nutrition experts has the tools and resources to help turn that vision into reality.

Part of being an elite athlete is the ability stay fit and remain injury free and we can help you to develop a stronger and more resilient body by increasing your strength, making you more flexible and helping you to lose excess weight which often increases the likelihood of injury.

We will walk you through diet and nutrition and compliment that by building a thorough exercise program to help bring your sporting dreams closer to reality.

We will do some base line testing, tell you where you can improve, talk about what’s important in your fitness journey and then come together to formulate a long term plan on how we can get there.

The Program

In the first three sessions we give you an overview of the program, what to expect, listen to your input and take on any suggestions as to how we can create the best possible experience for you as a client.

We complete a fitness assessment; do some strength and flexibility testing as well as postural and movement analysis to give us a base to work from.

Once you decide to make a long-term commitment we will collaborate with you to create an eight week program that meets your goals and desires but is still enjoyable and fun at the same time.


  • Goal Setting
  • Baseline testing (BMI, upper and lower body strength, core strength)
  • Strength Session – repetition based workout on primal movement patterns


  • Injury history, strength and flexibility testing
  • Muscular endurance workout


  • Postural Assessment
  • Boxing fundamentals or Mobility and rehab
  • Learn boxing technique or how to improve mobility and flexibility
Home Programs

Personal Training

Develop a stronger body

A meet and greet where we get to know you personally, your goals, your aspirations and what you want to get out of the program. Our approach to fitness is a holistic one so we look after both your mind and body through a tailored, personalised program.

If your goal is to stay fit and remain injury free, we can help you to develop a stronger and more resilient body by increasing your strength, making you more flexible and helping you to lose excess weight which often increases the likelihood of injury.

We will do some base line testing, tell you where you can improve, talk about what’s important in your fitness journey and then come together to formulate a long term plan on how we can get there.

The Program

In the first three sessions we give you an overview of the program, what to expect, listen to your input and take on any suggestions as to how we can create the best possible experience for you as a client.

We complete a fitness assessment; do some strength and flexibility testing as well as postural and movement analysis to give us a base to work from.

Once you decide to make a long-term commitment we will collaborate with you to create an eight week program that meets your goals and desires but is still enjoyable and fun at the same time.


  • Goal Setting
  • Baseline testing (BMI, upper and lower body strength, core strength)
  • Strength Session – repetition based workout on primal movement patterns


  • Injury history, strength and flexibility testing
  • Muscular endurance workout


  • Postural Assessment
  • Boxing fundamentals or Mobility and rehab
  • Learn boxing technique or how to improve mobility and flexibility
Home Programs

Personal Training

Have fun and lose weight

A meet and greet where we get to know you personally, your goals, your aspirations and what you want to get out of the program. Our approach to fitness is a holistic one so we look after both your mind and body through a tailored, personalised program.

You obviously have a desire to lose some weight and create a new quality of life and we have the tools and resources to help make that happen. We will walk you through diet and nutrition and compliment that with a through exercise program to help you make long term, sustainable change.

We will do some base line testing, tell you where you can improve, talk about what’s important in your fitness journey and then come together to formulate a long term plan on how we can get there.

The Program

In the first three sessions we give you an overview of the program, what to expect, listen to your input and take on any suggestions as to how we can create the best possible experience for you as a client.

We complete a fitness assessment; do some strength and flexibility testing as well as postural and movement analysis to give us a base to work from.

Once you decide to make a long-term commitment we will collaborate with you to create an eight week program that meets your goals and desires but is still enjoyable at the same time.

At the end of it all, we hope that you can look back at it all and say that you genuinely had fun and lost some weight at the same time.


  • Goal Setting
  • Baseline testing (BMI, upper and lower body strength, core strength)
  • Strength Session – repetition based workout on primal movement patterns


  • Injury history, strength and flexibility testing
  • Muscular endurance workout 


  • Postural Assessment  
  • Boxing fundamentals or Mobility and rehab
  • Learn boxing technique or how to improve mobility and flexibility



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Inner West & Ryde

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