Anxiety and Depression Checklist (K10)

This checklist asks you to reflect on your feelings over the past four weeks.

Question All of the time
(score 5)
Most of the time
(score 4)
Some of the time
(score 3)
A little of the time
(score 2)
None of the time
(score 1)
1. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel tired out for no good reason?
2. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel nervous?
3. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel so nervous that nothing could calm you down?
4. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel hopeless?
5. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel restless or fidgety?
6. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel so restless you could not sit still?
7. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel depressed?
8. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel that everything was an effort?
9. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel so sad that nothing could cheer you up?
10. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel worthless?
Learn about the K10 interpretation.
(Note: Questions three and six does not need to be answered if the response to the preceding question was ‘none of the time’. In such cases questions three and six will receive an automatic score of one. )

Why is this important?

These ten questions measure how distressed you’ve been recently by looking at signs of depression and anxiety.

It’s a measure of distress commonly used by Australian GPs and mental health professionals to determine the level of support you may require.

After completing this checklist, you can print your score for your records or give it to your GP.